On 9th April 2022 and 7th of May, ViTrox Academy in collaboration with Arus Academy conducted our first batch of the ViTrox-Apprentice program. We hosted 21 students aged 10 to 12 in ViTrox Campus 2.0.
During the first visitation, the students visited our ViTrox Corporation's Gallery, the ViTrox-Makerspace, and also the production floor. Besides, the students also went through a STEM workshop, learning about hardware programming using Micro: Bit through the trainers from Arus Academy.
For the second visitation, the same batch of students came back to undergo a series of fun and engaging English learning activities conducted by certified trainers from ViTrox Academy.
Feel free to watch the videos to see these kids in action!
Day 1: https://fb.watch/jLchAFLiEC/
Day 2: https://fb.watch/jLcTVZvI0h/
Thanks again to our program partner Arus Academy
We were also mentioned here: https://arusacademy.org.my/web/weiyoung/