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ViTrox College  
Open Day



Malaysia's Industry-Centric Education Centre


Our Education Programs

Training and

One of ViTrox Academy's trainer providing training courses

Trained by our HRD Corp-certified trainers, ViTrox HRD Corp claimable training courses and development programs help to upskill you and your team.


Three college students are learning how to operate a Machine Vision machine with their lecturer

Accredited by MQA and ETAC, ViTrox College Diploma courses emphasize hands-on experiences through work-based learning (WBL) methodology.


Three TVET students are learning about machine through their SLDN coach

Accredited by JPK, Vitrox Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) emphasize skilled-based education. 



where real learning happens

Evolving technologies and constantly changing world pose lofty expectations on the job market.  It is an era where learning and development for fuelling an individual’s professional progression and personal growth matter the most. 


As high-tech innovations accelerate, more pertinent upskilling training programs and effective delivery methods are essential to catalyze the development of competent workforces. 



Established in 2020, ViTrox Academy Sdn Bhd 202001005007 (1361327-U) is an education arm owned by ViTrox Corporation based in Batu Kawan, Penang. ViTrox Academy focuses on providing industry-driven technical training programs and soft skills training programs in this fast-moving tech sector. The foundation of ViTrox Academy is driven by real-world learning experiences and motivated by a lifelong interest in technology innovation and people competencies.

Our University Partners

UTAR logo
Curtin University Logo
APU University Logo
Heriot-Watt University Logo
Multimedia University Logo
Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia Logo
Wawasan Open University Logo
88 Captains Logo
Forward College Logo

Our Industry Partners

ViTrox Technologies Logo
VIE Technologies Logo
ViTrox Agritech Logo
Arus Academy Logo
Kaga Components logo
PAC Logo
Penang Science Cluster (PSC) logo
Cytron Technologies Logo
Plantie Logo

Our Esteemed Clients


Student's Testimonial 

"For me, it's the "direct and indirect questions" section because I find it very useful for conversations and how to form a question in the right way. Also, prepositions, while very basic, can sometimes be confusing. Thank you very much to both speakers."

Teoh Ke Wei, Student from UUM (2023)

Course: Speak English With Confidence

It's never too late to


Whether it is tertiary programs or perpetual adult learning endeavors, we are here for you.

A student learning about mahcine with his engineer coach
Four images that showcases people learning in ViTrox Academy
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